Private Internet Access, now with WireGuard®

WireGuard® is a new open source VPN protocol that has taken the networking world by storm. Created by Jason A. Donenfeld in 2016, WireGuard has made many waves with its design decisions.

WireGuard is different from the popular VPN protocols that preceded it for many reasons. Namely, it is a VPN protocol that is much more efficient than predecessors - and notably is included in the Linux kernel since version 5.6.


What makes WireGuard different?


Cryptographically opinionated for security

WireGuard uses state of the art cryptography along with opinionated cryptographic techniques such as eschewing cryptographic agility in favor of cryptographic versioning.

Simply put, what this means is that if an algorithm used by WireGuard has an issue, the next version of WireGuard could replace that algorithm without leaving the possibility of downgrade attacks. This contrasts with the sometimes hard-to-configure cipher choices that many VPN users might be used to.


More streamlined, minimal, and auditable

Compared with other VPN protocols, WireGuard is much more streamlined, minimal, and auditable. WireGuard is also implemented in orders of magnitude less code: ~4000 lines of code in WireGuard versus ~400000 lines of code in OpenVPN.


Available on desktop and mobile

Private Internet Access’s implementation of WireGuard is now available on all desktop clients and mobile applications. Additionally, Private Internet Access has augmented WireGuard with no logging privacy protections on your VPN servers so PIA WireGuard users can rest assured that no client-server connections are logged and that their privacy is protected - as is and always will be standard at Private Internet Access.

Senza rischi. Garanzia di rimborso entro 30 giorni

1 mese 

1 anno 

* Tutti i prezzi sono mostrati in USD e ogni sconto prevede una riduzione basata sull'attuale prezzo mensile di $9.95 al mese

"Private Internet Access presenta prestazioni e funzionalità migliori rispetto alla concorrenza."   -   PCMag logo

Acquistare in blocco? Ottieni ora

Caratteristiche del VPN

Account VPN protetto
WiFi crittografato
Supporto P2P
WireGuard® e OpenVPN
10 dispositivi contemporaneamente
Blocca annunci, tracker e malware
Gateway VPN multipli
Larghezza di banda illimitata
Proxy SOCKS5 incluso
Nessun registro del traffico
Configurazione immediata
Facile da usare


Sicurezza online

Esegui la crittografica di tutto il tuo
traffico Internet e utilizza un IP sicuro e protetto.

Protezione dell’identità

Proteggi la tua identità con un
IP della VPN anonimo


USA PIA per mimetizzarti
tra la moltitudine.

Interruzione dell’ascolto non autorizzato

La crittografia garantisce la tua sicurezza
anche su un WiFi pubblico.

Sblocco dei siti web

Addio alle restrizioni geografiche.
Viaggia senza preoccupazioni
con PIA.

Accesso non censurato

Accesso totale e non censurato
ad Internet. Finalmente.

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